wordpress-tag-cloud-plugin-namesYou might hear some odd words tossed around when your web designer or developer is talking to you about your website such as “widget” or “plug-in”. In order for you to be able to communicate with your web designer accurately, learn these simple terms:

Pages are the main pages on your site that rarely change such as Contact Us or About Us. (Example: The About Us Page has a typo)
Posts are smaller publications that you create on a weekly basis and are generally newsy. These can be categorized. (Example: I don’t know what to write for my next post. Can you help me?)
Menu defines the navigation buttons that are typically present near the top of a site’s pages. (Example: I want to remove one of the pages off the top menu.)
Headers are the images and text areas displayed at the top of a site’s various pages. (Example: Can we change the header’s background color to blue?)
Footer is the area in a box at the bottom of the site and found on every page. These are usually made with widgets. (Example: I forget how to access the footer area from the dashboard)
Sidebar is a side column usually found on the blog page but can be used elsewhere. It also contains widgets. (Example: I want a sidebar to appear on another page.)
Widgets provide an easy way to add little programs, such as the current weather, to a sidebar or footer. (Example: Is there a widget of a contact form?)
Background is the background image and color of a site or module. (Example: I want a background image to be on the home page)
Plugins are custom functions created and imported to extend the core functionality of WordPress. (Example: Is there a plugin for an Event List?)
Parent Page is a main page with top hierarchy (Example: The parnet of the child page is “About Us”)
Child Page is a secondary page under the Parent Page. (Example: The first child page of “About Us” will be a biography of the owner.)
HTML is Hypertext Markup Language, some very simple coding that is handy for creating widgets. (Example: It is necessary to use HTML in the widget areas to create links.)