ADA Compliance with AccessiBe

Perugi Design has recently partnered with AccessiBe to enable ADA compliant accessibility to websites. This low cost software is easy to install and works via a button to provide users help with reading your content. Find out more by calling or emailing. What is web...

Why You Should Maintain a WordPress Website

Perhaps your friend or an agency designed your website awhile ago and now there are problems because it hasn’t been maintained. But, do you have time or the inclination to do it yourself? The best way to stay on top of things is to use a web care plan run by a...

How to know when your website needs to change

The internet has infiltrated our lives in a way that we never could have predicted ten years ago. It’s hard to believe that there was a time when we had to find a land line or a phone booth to make a call or use a fax to send informaiton. But, here we are in...

Functionality is the Point

There are so many topics to write about when it comes to WordPress, that sometimes, my head spins. But, today, after receiving the latest email from Woo Themes, I decided it was time to discuss Functionality. Woo Themes just introduced Sensei, which is a new plugin...