There are a few annoying things that can happen to your website as time marches on. Right now I am experiencing a PayPal Subscription issue because PP updated their software. Updating software is great especially for increased security where money is involved. I’m all for that.

Unfortunately, these updates that are necessary can also cause a disruption in productivity. My e-commerce set up includes several other pieces of payment software that may not be syncing to the new code Paypal presents. The problem is I just don’t know, so I enlisted Paypal Techs to help solve the issue. Still to be resolved. I won’t bore you with the back and forth that has ensued!

If you have annoyances with your website that you can’t solve, let me know and I will try to help you. Extra time purchased on the subscription can be used for these problems. I may be able to fix the problem myself or handle the calls needed to get the job done.