ADA Compliance with AccessiBe

Perugi Design has recently partnered with AccessiBe to enable ADA compliant accessibility to websites. This low cost software is easy to install and works via a button to provide users help with reading your content. Find out more by calling or emailing. What is web...

Save time and money building a website with WordPress

Building a website design from scratch is expensive. Individual business owners don’t have the time or expertise to jump into the design process or work closely with their webmasters while a design is in process. A wire frame sketch can be helpful but...

Grow Your Business with Downloadable Products

There is CMS, Content Management Software. But what is CRM? CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. Not being from the sales and Marketing world, anything related to marketing can be anywhere from boring to confusing to mind boggling. The buzz words I have...

Pick the Best Colors for your Website

Where do you start with color? Choosing colors for your website is an important first step to designing a modern looking website and one that will evoke the right feeling or appropriate response. Some web designers offer a client several color palettes (or mood...

Amazing SEO Tool in Maintenance Plan

Perugi Design uses a powerful new tool that reports website data on everthing from latest backups to SEO standings. On the SEO report page for Perugi Design, it gave me a flow chart of how my website has performed over the past month. (See image below on left). You...

What I learned at WordCamp Boston 2016

I attended my first ever WordCamp in Boston last weekend. WordCamp is a conference for WordPress user enthusiasts held in various cities around this time of year. Today I selected eight TED type talks to attend on a range of topics, that perhaps only nerdy web...

New business marketing tools better than the old

Most of my clients know I have been in the graphic design and web design business a long time. Maybe its the gray hair that gives it away! After I worked at the Boston Globe for ten years from 1978 to 1988 as an information graphic artist, I started my own company. At...